Apostles’ Creed

The Apostles’ Creed has been associated with the church for centuries. While he was a reformer of the church, Caspar Schwenkfeld received this from the church in his day and used it to formulate his beliefs in alignment with the Scripture. When Schwenkfelders migrated to Pennsylvania, they continued to reflect on the importance of the Creed. Today, this Creed is received within Schwenkfelder Churches and confessed in worship. This video expresses how the Apostles’ Creed was formed. It explores where these ideas are in the New Testament, and then how they made their way into early Christianity and eventually formed the Apostles’ Creed.

How did we get the New Testament?

The New Testament is composed of 27 different books of the Bible from multiple different authors. Other books were circulating in early Christianity. How were these particular books chosen? The following presentation explores passages from the New Testament and the witness of early Christian writers from the second and third centuries. It also looks at different artifacts from the same time period. These sources reveal that these 27 books were considered to be special by the early church meeting in various places throughout the Roman Empire. They deserved to be set apart and now form our New Testament.